Funeral Notice

Valda Clarice Wright

Sep 1, 2022 | Obituary | 0 comments

Valda Clarice Wright
Born on 19260823
Passed away on 20220828
Passed away peacefully at Kaleesa Aged Care in Sea Lake
Daughter of Clarence & Euphemia Pearce (both dec)
Sister to Euphemia Cook (dec) and Norman Pearce
Loved wife of Mervyn (dec)
Dearly loved mother of nine children
Loved by her many grandchildren and great grandchildren
Reunited with Dad


Funeral Notice
Service: 2022-09-01 11:00:00
In accordance with wishes Val will be laid to rest in a private service at Sea Lake Cemetery.
We wish to encourage you to express your sympathies and condolences to the family via a tribute on this announcement which the family are able to read, reflect and treasure.

MJ Kelly and Son’s Birchip

Click here if you would like to purchase flowers through our association with Francis Florist @ Swan Hill Flowers.

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